Saturday, March 27, 2010


NATUROPATHY is a distinct system of healing that aims to promote health by stimulating and supporting our body's innate ability to regain harmony and balance.

Hippocrates is known as the Father of Medicine, and he became famous for his treatment of disease in accordance with natural laws:
      “Only nature heals, providing it is given the opportunity to do so."
      "Let food be your medicine and let medicine be your food." 
      "Disease is an expression of purification." 
      "All disease is one.” (Hippocrates)

The philosophy of naturopathic medicine is based upon three basic principles.

The first principle is that the body possesses the power to heal itself.  The naturopathic practitioner  creates the most favourable conditions to stimulate and enhance this healing power of nature.

The second principle is that symptoms are just a manifestation of our body's efforts to remove the causes of disease: e.g. bacteria, poisons, etc.  The naturopathic practitioner  seeks to discover and remove the root cause of disease, not simply to remove symptoms.

The third principle is that naturopathic medicine is a holistic approach to health. In other words, disease affects the whole person - body, mind and spirit, and not simply an isolated organ or system.
In treating the whole person the naturopathic practitioner searches for the causes of disease at many levels.

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